My Projects and Activities

Interactive Quiz Game

We crafted an engaging Interactive Quiz Game, weaving together the magic of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This delightful creation serves as a portal to unlock a world of knowledge and fun for our users.

As creators, we took our brainchild to the spotlight, revealing it to the world at a Students Meetup Event. On that day, under the golden autumn sun, curious minds embraced the game and left with more knowledge than they arrived. We cherished every moment, for it was not just a project; it was an adventure in learning and sharing.

Library Management System

Behold, the Library Management System—a digital sanctuary for librarians and book lovers. Crafted with the power of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, it's a symphony of order and convenience. For librarians, it's an instrument to orchestrate books, patrons, and records with ease.

While this project also made its appearance at the Students Meetup Event, its true purpose is to educate. It unravels the inner workings of library systems, leaving room for improvement and innovation. As we delve into its intricacies, the horizon of possibility expands further.

Movie Recommendation Engine

Imagine a world where movie night is never ordinary. Here, I present to you my Movie Recommendation Engine. It's a product of machine learning's artistry, carefully analyzing your cinematic preferences and the nuances of each film.

This project sprouted from my passion for data science and algorithms. It transforms the ordinary into extraordinary by suggesting films tailored just for you. It's an exploration in enhancing the film-watching experience, one recommendation at a time.

Book Recommendation System

In the world of books, there's a treasure trove of undiscovered gems. My Book Recommendation System is the guide, powered by machine learning and natural language processing. It dives deep into your reading history and book preferences to unveil your next literary adventure.

It's a journey into the realms of literature, designed to spark your curiosity. As your reading list grows, the world of books becomes a tapestry, waiting to be woven by the threads of knowledge and discovery.

FoodFlow - Food Order Management System

FoodFlow was born not just as a system, but as an exploration into the world of food delivery. Crafted using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, it's a symphony for food enthusiasts. An opportunity to browse menus, place orders, and track deliveries with grace.

We were a team of three in our first year in college and we decided to go for designing such a system as a project because it is designed in the curriculum. It was designed when we were still learning Web Technologies and we were able to learn a lot from it due to all the struggles we went through in designing such a system.

Teaching and Workshops

Teaching is not just my passion; it's a journey of transformation and enlightenment. In the captivating realm of Machine Learning, Python, Astronomy, and C programming, I've worn the hat of an educator and conductor, orchestrating countless symphonies of learning.

I've shared my knowledge with eager minds in various capacities. One memorable chapter was my role as an instructor in a Python workshop, hosted by a dynamic student organization where I am actively involved. The workshop was a gateway for aspiring programmers, a place where the language of Python unfolded its beauty.

But my journey didn't stop there. The following week, we embarked on a voyage into the realm of Machine Learning. The wheels of learning were set in motion as I took the stage as an instructor in the Machine Learning Bootcamp organized by the same student organization. It was a week of exploration, discovery, and diving into the depths of artificial intelligence.

But I don't confine my teaching to specific events or schedules. Whenever I find a window of opportunity, whether it's through online workshops or physical bootcamps, I seize it to teach and share my expertise. The subjects I've imparted knowledge in include Python, C programming, and Web Technologies.

Each session is more than just a class; it's a mosaic of shared knowledge, a spark of inspiration, and a journey toward empowerment. I'm passionate about sharing knowledge, igniting curiosity, and nurturing the budding innovators of tomorrow.